Saturday, October 27, 2007

As a Word of Introduction

So yeah. To the left...that's me. BD.

Before I start inundating the untold masses with blog after blog of unparalleled creative writing, cultural critiques, music reviews, poetry, song lyrics, and other general awesomeness, I figured that I should probably introduce myself.

So...what do you need to know about me?

I once killed an attacking bear with my bare hands. I suppose that you could now call them my "bear hands."

During my frightening reign as a malevolent and unquestioned dictator in a smallish European country, I accidentally coined the modern phrase "surf's up," even though my version involved poor indentured-servant farmhands and an enormous catapult.

So there you have it. A full explanation of the majesty that is "me." Hope that clears things up a little bit.

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